A Vocation in Honduras

My friend Patti Hanlon lent me her copy of Henri Nouwen's book, Gracias . It is a story about  Nouwen's journey  through South America, as he sought to discern  God's calling to serve here.
The book is written as a journal, with much insight to reflect upon. It is also the type of book to jump around in. It obviously has special meaning for me. But Nouwen's conclusion is relevant to us all, whether we serve here or remain in the U.S. (Nouwen decided to remain in the U.S.)
He writes, "After many centuries of missionary work, during which we the people of the North tried to give to them (Latin Americans)  .....we now come to realize that our first vocation is to receive their gifts and say, 'Gracias'."
Many of my wise friends have been pointing me in this direction. We cannot approach this work, without assuming humility and the realization that we need Honduras for own inner transformation, as much as they need our material gifts. We  need to learn, with Nouwen, to learn how to say, Gracias.


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