Letter from the Mission Field (Dec 25, 2013)

This is a special message of gratitude this Christmas season for all your gifts.  I thank everyone for supporting this mission in Honduras.   Please continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
Also, thank you very much for the great response to my request for laptops.   Father Roberto has received his new laptop, so that he  can now spend time with his family.   Lidieth Sagastume,  a young, talented woman from Copan Ruinas, who is studying both engineering and primary education,  will shortly receive another, so that she can continue with her studies. 
And thanks for your other contributions, such as providing shelter for man with severe migraines, his wife and children,  for  helping another  family six months behind  in the rent to pay their bills and stay in their home, and for your many other acts of kindness. 
Your generosity makes a difference.   

Peace be with you all this season,



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